Zeta Chi Expansion Nupes

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In the Spring of 2005, the first line to cross the Burning Sands as the Zeta Chi Expansion Chapter at
Saint Leo University :
"The 3 Khronikles of Khaos"

1. Debaro "Ko$tly" Huyler

2. Joe "Kreator" Stubbs

3. Kenrick "Informant" Roberts

Spring 2006
"The 6 K.U.T.S of  A Perfekt Diamond"
1. Lionel "Konstant Khaos" Ferguson
2. Andre "Keen Intellekt" Curry
3. Jelani "Komik Relief" McPhee
4. Andero "Problem Khild" Astwood
5. Dominic "Kome Korrekt" Laing
6. Julian "Krimson Khase" Celifie
Spring 2007
"The Sole Survivor of the Krimson Holokaust"

1. Vernon "Krimson SoulstACE" Davis

Spring 2008
"The 3 Best Kept Sekrets of The Krimson Katastrophe"

1. James "Kranium" Bellozier

2. Kristen "Kardiak" Moultrie

7. Devaughn "Kritikal Konklusion" King

Spring 2009
"The 2 Sentinels of D.I.G.G.S Sakrifice"
1. Antoine "K.O." Broadnax
2. Allan "Interrogator" Campbell

Spring 2010
"The 3 Sons of The Krimson Katalyst"
1. Antonio "Khosen One" Gilyard
2. Allyn "Kream Of The Krop" Tuff
3. Amos "Klose Kall" Humphrey II

Spring 2011
"The 2 Diamonds of Krukial Konflikt"
1. Robert "Kwik Konkept" Woodard
2. Julian "Komplikated Mind" Jean-Pierre
Summer 2011
"The Centennial Diamond of Epik Proportions"
1. Charles "Kool Wh1p" Patrick

Zeta Chi Expansion Chapter at Saint Leo University